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About us


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Primary location & Registered Office

Vliegveld 60
8560 Wevelgem

Secondary location (NSAC)

Nieuwpoortsesteenweg 943
8400 Oostende

Gill Aviation

After-Sales service

Quality as in service

We are your SPOC for all aspects of maintaining your aircraft. We keep you up to date on upcoming maintenance or examinations.

We’re in for the long run

We take great care in making sure that every aircraft we sell stays safe and perfectly maintained. After you bought your aircraft, we’ll start the cycle of yearly checkups and examinations to make sure your aircraft is always as safe as it can be.

Don’t bother signing everything in your agenda. We will let you know when these checks are due.

Used aircraft: Selection & sales

Since we provide this After-Sales service, we’ve known these aircrafts for their entire lifespan. We’re horoughly familiar with them. You could say we know them inside out.

As a neutral party we advise buyers on the right type of aircraft and can perform pre-buy inspections on interior, airframe and powerplant. We can also find buyers for your aircraft through our wide network of partners, and handle all required transactions.

Maintenance available for the following aircraft

Gill Aviation maintenance Diamond aircraft
Gill Aviation maintenance Airbus helicopters
Gill Aviation maintenance Cessna
Gill Aviation maintenance Piper aircraft
Gill Aviation maintenance Diamond aircraft
Gill Aviation maintenance Piper aircraft
Gill Aviation maintenance Airbus helicopters
Gill Aviation maintenance Cessna